Blog 4
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Viral transport media (VTM) is a solution used to preserve and transport viruses, chlamydia, and mycoplasma for research, diagnostic testing, and cell culture. VTM helps to maintain the integrity of RNA viruses, which can be damaged by ultra-low temperature freezers or liquid nitrogen. VTM are prepared with buffered proteins (serum, albumin, or gelatin), salt solutions
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RNA (ribonucleic acid) is a molecule similar to DNA present in the cells for coding, decoding, regulation and expression of genes as protein synthesis and in some viruses act as their genetic material. RNAs are single stranded. RNA covert the message/code provided by the DNA into proteins for cellular activities (development, cellular differentiation, and changing
RNA Extraction Kit Read More »
DNA purification is prerequisite step for an array of biomolecular analyses such as PCR, electrophoresis, DNA sequencing, fingerprinting, genetic engineering and cloning. It plays an important role in understanding the genetic cause of disease, detection of virus and bacteria. This technique is essential for many diagnostic tests. DNA extraction is the process of separating DNA
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Viral RNA purification kit GJC Viral RNA purification kits and reagents are available from multiple suppliers. These ready-to-use tools are designed for the streamlined and effective extraction of RNA from viral particles. Some kits are tailored for a particular sample source, such as blood, tissue, or swab. DNA purification kit GJC DNA Purification Kit uses a membrane-based system to quickly purify high-quality genomic DNA that is suitable for downstream
Molecular Biology Products Pakistan Read More »